Re-id Resources
Re-id surveys
Person Re-identification Book, by Shaogang Gong
Person Re-identification: Past, Present and Future, by Liang Zheng
A Comprehensive Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets, by Srikrishna Karanam
People Reidentification in Surveillance and Forensics: A survey, by Roberto Vezzani
Affiliation |
Person |
Works |
Queen Mary, University of London |
Attribute, Human-In-The-Loop, L1 Graph, Null Space, Unsupervised Transfer, Video Ranking, SVM |
Sun Yat-sen University |
PRDC, Open-world RE-ID, Partial RE-ID, Low resolution RE-ID, Depth RE-ID, Cross-Scenario RE-ID, Top-push |
Singapore University of Technology and Design |
Market-1501, MARS, Query-Adaptive, K-reciprocal encoding, PRW, CamStyle, SPGAN, GAN, SVDNet |
Graz University of Technology |
University of Udine |
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Amazon, Germany |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
SDC, DeepReid, Mid-level Filters, Salience Matching, Transferred Metric |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Feature Importance, Manifold Ranking, POP, PETA, Color Naming |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Kyushu University |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Sun Yat-sen University |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Technion, Israel |
University of Maryland |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
University of East Anglia |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Wuhan University |
Northeastern University |
University of Florence |
Disney Research Pittsburgh |
Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Peking University |
University of Oxford |
You can download the Collected Codes with the label 'code'.
ICPR'10 |
Multiple-shot Person Re-identification by Hpe Signature |
BMVC'10 |
Person Re-Identification by Support Vector Ranking |
CVPR'10 |
Person Re-identification by Symmetry-driven Accumulation of Local Features |
Code |
BMVC'11 |
Custom pictorial structures for re-identification |
SCIA'11 |
Person Re-Identification by Descriptive and Discriminative Classification |
AVSS'11 |
Evaluation of Local Features for Person Re-Identification in Image Sequences |
ACCV'12 |
Human Reidentification with Transferred Metric Learning |
BMVC'12 |
Person Re-identification by Attributes |
ECCV'12 |
Learning to Match Appearances by Correlations in a Covariance Metric Space |
ECCV'12 |
Relaxed Pairwise Learned Metric for Person Re-Identification |
RE-ID'12 |
Re-identification with RGB-D sensors |
CVPR'12 |
Large Scale Metric Learning from Equivalence Constraints |
Code |
CVPR'12 |
"Knock! Knock! Who is it?" Probabilistic Person Identification in TV Series |
ICIP'13 |
Person re-identification with a PTZ camera: an introductory study |
ICIP'13 |
Person Re-Identification by Manifold Ranking |
Code |
CVPR'13 |
Semi-supervised Learning with Constraints for Person Identification in Multimedia Data |
CVPR'13 |
Unsupervised Salience Learning for Person Re-Identification |
Code |
ICCV'13 |
POP: Person Re-Identification Post-Rank Optimisation |
ICCV'13 |
Person Re-identification by Graph Matching |
ICCV'13 |
Person Re-Identification by Salience Matching |
Code |
TPAMI'13 |
Re-identification by Relative Distance Comparison |
Code |
TPAMI'13 |
Color Invariants for Person Reidentification |
Code |
IJCV'13 |
Exemplar-guided Similarity Learning on Polynomial Feature Map for Person Re-identification |
ICIP'14 |
Person Re-Identification via Discriminative Accumulation of Local Features |
ECCV'14 |
Salient Color Names for Person Re-Identification |
ECCV'14 |
Person Re-Identification by Video Ranking |
ECCV'14 |
Person Re-Identification using Kernel-based Metric Learning Methods |
Code |
CVPR'14 |
DeepReid: Deep Filter Pairing Neural Network for Person Re-Identification |
CVPR'14 |
Learning Mid-level Filters for Person Re-identification |
Code |
PR'14 |
On-the-fly Feature Importance Mining for Person Re-Identification |
ACCV'14 |
Query Based Adaptive Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification |
ACM MM'14 |
Pedestrian Attribute Recognition At Far Distance |
CVPR'15 |
Query-Adaptive Late Fusion for Image Search and Person Re-identification |
CVPR'15 |
Super-resolution Person re-identification with semi-coupled low-rank discriminant dictionary learning |
CVPR'15 |
An Improved Deep Learning Architecture for Person Re-Identification |
CVPR'15 |
Person Re-identification by Local Maximal Occurrence Representation and Metric Learning |
Code |
CVPR'15 |
Similarity Learning on Explicit Polynomial Kernel Feature Map for Person Re-identification |
ICCV'15 |
Efficient PSD Constrained Asymmetric Metric Learning for Person Re-identification |
Code |
ICCV'15 |
Partial Person Re-identification |
ICCV'15 |
Multi-scale Learning for Low-resolution Person Re-identification |
ICCV'15 |
Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark |
Code |
IJCAI'15 |
Mirror representation for modeling view-specific transform in person re-identification |
Code |
TPAMI'15 |
Viewpoint Invariant Human Re-Identification in Camera Networks Using Pose Priors and Subject-Discriminative Features |
TPAMI'15 |
Person re-identification by Iterative Re-weighted Sparse Ranking |
Code |
TPAMI'15 |
Towards Open-World Person Re-Identification by One-Shot Group-based Verification |
TPAMI'15 |
Re-Identification in the Function Space of Feature Warps |
TIP'15 |
Cross-Domain Person Reidentification Using Domain Adaptation Ranking SVMs |
Code |
TIP'15 |
Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning |
Code |
PR'15 |
Deep Feature Learning with Relative Distance Comparison for Person Re-identification |
Code |
AAAI'16 |
Metric Embedded Discriminative Vocabulary Learning for High-Level Person Representation |
AAAI'16 |
Large Scale Similarity Learning Using Similar Pairs for Person Verification |
Code |
AAAI'16 |
DARI: Distance metric And Representation Integration for Person Verification |
AAAI'16 |
Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Level Descriptors for Person Re-Identification |
ECCV'16 |
MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-identification |
Code |
ECCV'16 |
Human-In-The-Loop Person Re-Identification |
ECCV'16 |
Person Re-Identification by Unsupervised L1 Graph Learning |
ECCV'16 |
Embedding Deep Metric for Person Re-identification A Study Against Large Variations |
Code |
ECCV'16 |
Deep attributes driven multi-camera person re-identification |
ACCV'16 |
Pedestrian Color Naming via Convolutional Neural Network |
ICPR'16 |
Person Re-Identification Using CNN Features Learned from Combination of Attributes |
Code |
CVPR'16 |
Learning a Discriminative Null Space for Person Re-Identification |
CVPR'16 |
Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification |
CVPR'16 |
Top-push Video-based Person Re-identification |
Code |
CVPR'16 |
Hierarchical Gaussian Descriptor for Person Re-Identification |
Code |
CVPR'16 |
Joint Learning of Single-image and Cross-image Representations for Person Re-identification |
CVPR'16 |
Similarity Learning with Spatial Constraints for Person Re-identification |
IJCAI'16 |
Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Learning Intra-Video and Inter-Video Distance Metrics |
IJCAI'16 |
Learning Cross-view Binary Identities for Fast Person Re-identification |
TCSVT'16 |
Cross-scenario Transfer Person Re-identification |
TCSVT'16 |
An Asymmetric Distance Model for Cross-view Feature Mapping in Person Re-identification |
Code |
TCSVT'16 |
Person Reidentification with Reference Descriptor |
TCSVT'16 |
Dense Invariant Feature Based Support Vector Ranking for Cross-Camera Person Re-identification |
TCSVT'16 |
From the Lab to the Real World: Re-Identification in an Airport Camera Network |
TCSVT'16 |
Multi-level Common Space Learning for Person Re-identification |
TNNLS'16 |
Person Re-identification by Multi-hypergraph Fusion |
arXiv'16 |
End-to-End Deep Learning for Person Search |
Code |
TIP'17 |
Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identification |
Code |
CVPR'17 |
Scalable Person Re-Identification on Supervised Smoothed Manifold |
CVPR'17 |
One-Shot Metric Learning for Person Re-identification |
CVPR'17 |
Re-ranking person re-identification with k-reciprocal encoding |
Code |
CVPR'17 |
Person Re-identification in the Wild |
Code |
ICCV'17 |
Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro |
ICCV'17 |
SVDNet for Pedestrian Retrieval |
ICCV'17 |
Dynamic Label Graph Matching for Unsupervised Video Re-Identification |
ICCV'17 |
Pose-driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-identification |
TIP'17 |
Robust Depth-based Person Re-identification |
TPAMI'17 |
Person Re-Identification by Camera Correlation Aware Feature Augmentation |
Code |
TPAMI'17 |
Multi-Task learning with low rank attribute embedding for multi-camera person re-identification |
Multi Channel-kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-view Person Re-identification |
Code |
CVPR'18 |
Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification |
CVPR'18 |
Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification |
CVPR'18 |
Person Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification |
AAAI'18 |
Hierarchical Discriminative Learning for Visible Thermal Person Re-Identification |
IJCAI'18 |
Visible Thermal Person Re-Identification via Dual-Constrained Top-Ranking |
WACV'18 |
Deep Cosine Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification |
Re-id Book |
Mahalanobis Distance Learning for Person Re-Identification |
The Person Re-id Datasets were summarized by the Robust Systems Lab, Northeastern University.
Re-id Framework
1. Deep-person-reid implemented with PyTorch by Kaiyang Zhou.
2. Open-ReID implemented by Tong Xiao.
3. Person-reid-benchmark, implemented by Srikrishna Karanam.
The resources are collected by Zheng Wang.
Thanks for the support from Mang Ye, Junjun Jiang, Chao Liang.
The resources were updated on May 17th, 2018.